The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Brooklyn, New York
including Williamsburgh, Bay Ridge, Canarsie, East New York, Fort Hamilton, Flatbush, Flatlands, Gravesend, New Utrecht, Parkville
Borough Presidents, Mayors, Postmasters, Collectors of Internal Revenue

Borough Presidents of Brooklyn, 1897-2020 (may be incomplete!)
Edward M. Grout 1898-1901 J. Edward Swanstrom 1902-03 Martin W. Littleton 1904-05 Bird S. Coler 1906-09 Alfred E. Steers 1910-13 Lewis H. Pounds 1913-17 Edward J. Riegelmann 1918-24 Joseph A. Guider 1925-26 James J. Byrne 1926-30 Henry Hesterberg 1930-33 Raymond V. Ingersoll 1934-40 John Cashmore 1940-61 John F. Hayes 1961 Abe Stark 1962-70 Sebastian Leone 1970-76 Howard Golden 1977-2001 Marty Markowitz 2002-13 Eric L. Adams 2014-

Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!)

  • 1897 Nov 2: Edward M. Grout (Dem & Jeffersonian Democratic), elected; Frederic W. Hinrichs (Gold Democratic & Citizens Union), defeated; George H. Roberts, Jr. (Rep), defeated; Benjamin Hanford (Socialist Labor), defeated; Isaac K. Funk (Prohibition), defeated; Henry Nichols (United Democracy), defeated.
  • 1901 Nov 5: J. Edward Swanstrom (Rep & Citizens Union), elected; Edmund H. Driggs (Dem), defeated; Isaac K. Funk (Prohibition), defeated; Eber Forbes (Socialist Labor), defeated; Peter J. Flanagan (Social Democratic), defeated.
  • 1903 Nov 3: Martin W. Littleton (Dem), elected; J. Edward Swanstrom (Rep & Citizens Union), defeated; Cortes W. Cavanagh (Social Democratic), defeated; Henry A. Crumb (Socialist Labor), defeated; John Berry (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1905 Nov 7: Bird S. Coler (Municipal Ownership), elected; James W. Ridgway (Dem), defeated; Frederick H. E. Ebstein (Rep), defeated.
  • 1909 Nov 2: John H. McCooey (Dem), defeated; Alfred E. Steers (Fusion), elected.
  • 1913 Jul 2: Alfred E. Steers, resigned.
  • 1913 Nov 4: Lewis H. Pounds (Rep), elected; Frank Mann (Dem), defeated; Bernard J. Riley (Socialist), defeated; John Berry (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1917 Sep 19: Edward J. Riegelmann (Dem), nominated; Bird S. Coler (Dem), defeated in primary; Frank J. Prial (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1917 Sep 19: Lewis H. Pounds (Rep), nominated; Robert R. Lawson (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1917 Nov 6: John McKee (Prohibition), defeated; Edward J. Riegelmann (Dem), elected; Lewis H. Pounds (Rep & Fusion), defeated; Alexander Fraser (Socialist), defeated; Edward T. O'Loughlin (Ind), defeated.
  • 1921 Sep 13: Edward J. Riegelmann (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1921 Sep 13: George W. Baker (Rep), nominated; Hamilton MacInnes (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1921 Nov 8: Edward J. Riegelmann (Dem), elected; George W. Baker (Rep), defeated; William W. Passage (Socialist), defeated; Jacob A. Hartman, defeated.
  • 1925 Sep 15: Joseph A. Guider (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1925 Sep 15: William Stanley Miller (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1925 Sep 15: William W. Passage (Socialist), nominated unopposed.
  • 1925 Nov 3: Joseph A. Guider (Dem), elected; William Stanley Miller (Rep), defeated; William W. Passage (Socialist), defeated.
  • 1930 Mar 14: James J. Byrne, died in office.
  • 1930 Nov 4: Henry Hesterberg (Dem), elected; Arthur V. McDermott (Rep), defeated; Harry W. Laidler (Socialist), defeated.
  • 1933 Sep 19: Henry Hesterberg (Dem), nominated; William L. Love (Dem), defeated in primary; William J. Mackin (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1933 Sep 19: Raymond V. Ingersoll (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1933 Sep 19: Baruch C. Vladeck (Socialist), nominated unopposed.
  • 1933 Nov 7: Raymond V. Ingersoll (Rep & City Fusion), elected; Henry Hesterberg (Dem & Jeffersonian), defeated; Joseph J. Baker (Recovery & New Deal), defeated; Baruch C. Vladeck (Socialist), defeated; Fred G. Biedenkapp (Communist), defeated; George Dyson Friou (No Tammany), defeated.
  • 1937 Sep 16: Philip M. Kleinfeld (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1937 Sep 16: Raymond V. Ingersoll (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1937 Nov 2: Raymond V. Ingersoll (Rep & American Labor & City Fusion & Progressive), elected; Philip M. Kleinfeld (Dem), defeated; David M. Cory (Socialist), defeated.
  • 1940 Feb 24: Raymond V. Ingersoll, died in office.
  • 1941 Nov 4: John Cashmore (Dem), elected; Matthew J. Troy (Rep & American Labor), defeated.
  • 1945 Nov 6: John Cashmore (Dem & American Labor), elected; George A. Arkwright (Rep & Liberal), defeated; John F. X. Masterson (Ind), defeated.
  • 1949 Sep 6: John Cashmore (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1949 Sep 6: Abe Stark (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1949 Sep 6: Ada B. Jackson (American Labor), nominated unopposed.
  • 1949 Sep 7: Abe Stark (Liberal), nominated unopposed.
  • 1949 Nov 8: John Cashmore (Dem), elected; Abe Stark (Rep & Liberal & City Fusion), defeated; Ada B. Jackson (American Labor), defeated.
  • 1953: Lewis W. Olliffe (Rep), defeated.
  • 1953 Sep 15: John Cashmore (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1953 Sep 15: John Cashmore (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1953 Sep 15: Saul Rudes (American Labor), nominated unopposed.
  • 1953 Sep 15: John F. Kelly (Liberal), nominated unopposed.
  • 1953 Nov 3: John Cashmore (Dem & Rep), elected; John F. Kelly (Liberal & Ind), defeated; Saul Rudes (American Labor), defeated.
  • 1957 Sep 10: John Cashmore (Dem), nominated; Harris J. Klein (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1957 Sep 10: John Cashmore (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1957 Sep 10: John Cashmore (Liberal), nominated unopposed.
  • 1957 Nov 5: John Cashmore (Dem & Rep), elected unopposed.
  • 1961 May 7: John Cashmore, died in office.
  • 1961 Nov 7: Abe Stark (Dem), elected; Francis E. Dorn (Rep & Civic Action), defeated; Jacob T. Zukerman (Liberal), defeated.
  • 1965 Nov 2: Abe Stark (Dem), elected; Luigi R. Marano (Rep), defeated; Gerard M. Weisberg (Liberal), defeated; Lars Ekwurzel (Conservative), defeated.
  • 1969 Jun 17: Abe Stark (Dem), nominated; Leonard M. Simon (Dem), defeated in primary; William A. Jones, Jr. (Dem), defeated in primary; Eugene Victor (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1969 Nov 4: Abe Stark (Dem), elected; Henry Shemin (Liberal), defeated; Nicholas L. Savino (Rep), defeated; Lee S. Sterling (Conservative), defeated.
  • 1970 Sep 8: Abe Stark, resigned.
  • 1973 Nov 6: Sebastian Leone (Dem & City Fusion), elected; Donald Kennelly (Rep & Conservative), defeated; Stephen J. Solarz (Liberal), defeated; Samuel Perez (Communist), defeated; Maxine Williams (Socialist Workers), defeated.
  • 1977 Sep 8: Frank J. Barbaro (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1977 Nov 7: Leon F. Nadrowski (Rep), defeated.
  • 1977 Nov 8: Frank J. Barbaro (Liberal), defeated.
  • 1981 Nov 3: Leon F. Nadrowski (Rep), defeated.
  • 1985: Marty Markowitz (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 2001: Marty Markowitz (Dem), elected.
  • 2005 Nov 8: Marty Markowitz (Dem & Working Families), elected; Theodore Alatsas (Rep & Conservative), defeated; Gloria Mattera (Green), defeated; Gary S. Popkin (Libertarian & Reform), defeated.
  • 2009 Nov 3: Marty Markowitz (Dem & Working Families), elected; Marc L. D'Ottavio (Rep & Conservative), defeated; Michael A. Sanchez (Libertarian), defeated.
  • 2013 Nov 5: Eric L. Adams (Dem), elected; Elias Weir (Conservative), defeated.

    Mayors of Brooklyn, 1834-2017 (may be incomplete!)
    George Hall 1834 Jonathan Trotter 1835-36 Jeremiah Johnson 1837-38 Cyrus P. Smith 1839-41 Henry C. Murphy 1842 Joseph Sprague 1843-44 Thomas G. Talmadge 1845 Francis B. Stryker 1846-48 Edward Copeland 1849 Samuel Smith 1850 Conklin Brush 1851-52 Edward A. Lambert 1853-54 George Hall 1855-56 Samuel S. Powell 1857-60 Martin Kalbfleisch 1861-63 Alfred M. Wood 1864-65 Samuel Booth 1866-67 Martin Kalbfleisch 1868-71 Samuel S. Powell 1872-73 John W. Hunter 1874-75 Frederick A. Schroeder 1876-77 James Howell 1878-81 Seth Low 1882-85 Daniel D. Whitney 1886-87 Alfred C. Chapin 1888-91 David A. Boody 1892-93 Charles A. Schieren 1894-95 Frederick W. Wurster 1896-97

    Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!)

  • 1867: Archibald M. Bliss (Rep), defeated.
  • 1879 Nov 4: James Howell (Dem), elected; Franklin Woodruff (Rep), defeated; John W. Flaherty (Independent Democratic), defeated.
  • 1881 Nov 8: Seth Low (Rep), elected; James Howell (Dem), defeated.
  • 1883 Nov 6: Seth Low (Rep), elected; Joseph C. Hendrix (Dem), defeated.
  • 1885 Nov 3: Daniel D. Whitney (Dem), elected; Isaac S. Catlin (Rep), defeated; John B. Woodward (Ind), defeated.
  • 1887 Nov 8: Alfred C. Chapin (Dem), elected; Andrew D. Baird (Rep), defeated.
  • 1889 Nov 5: Alfred C. Chapin (Dem), elected; Andrew D. Baird (Rep), defeated.
  • 1891 Nov 3: David A. Boody (Dem), elected; Henry A. Meyer (Rep), defeated; Francis Gerau (Socialist Labor), defeated; Freeborn G. Smith (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1893 Nov 7: Charles A. Schieren (Rep), elected; David A. Boody (Dem), defeated; James H. Ramsey (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1895 Nov 5: Frederick W. Wurster (Rep), elected; Edward M. Grout (Dem), defeated; Edward M. Shepard (Democratic Reform), defeated; Charles H. Matchett (Socialist Labor), defeated; Freeborn G. Smith (Prohibition), defeated; C. Edgar Smith (People's), defeated.
  • 2017 Nov 7: Eric L. Adams (Dem), elected.

    Postmasters at Brooklyn, 1803-1970 (may be incomplete!)
    P. Buffit 1803-06 Joel Bunce 1806-19 Thomas W. Birdsall 1819-21 George L. Birch 1821-25 Thomas Kirk 1825-26 Erastus Worthington 1826-31 Samuel E. Clements 1831 Joseph Mosier 1831-32 Adrian Hegeman 1832-41 George Hall 1841-45 Henry C. Conkling 1845-49 Gold S. Silliman 1849-53 Daniel Van Voorhis 1853-57 William H. Peck 1857-61 George B. Lincoln 1861-66 Thomas Kinsella 1866-67 Samuel H. Roberts 1867-68 Joseph M. Simonson 1868 Anthony F. Campbell 1868-69 Samuel Booth 1869-73 Charles C. Talbot 1873-77 James McLeer 1877-86 Joseph C. Hendrix 1886-90 Andrew D. Baird 1890 George J. Collins 1890-93 Andrew T. Sullivan 1893-97 Francis H. Wilson 1897-1901 George H. Roberts, Jr. 1901-10 Edmund W. Voorhies 1910-14 William Woods 1914 William E. Kelly 1914-15 Walter C. Burton 1915-16 Walter C. Burton 1916-23 Peter J. Cleary 1923-24 Albert B. W. Firmin 1924-33 John A. T. Carrougher 1933 Francis J. Sinnott 1933-34 Francis J. Sinnott 1934-39 Frank J. Quayle, Jr. 1939-40 Frank J. Quayle, Jr. 1940-45 Edward J. Quigley 1945-46 Edward J. Quigley 1946-70

    (annexed to Brooklyn 1854)

    Mayors of Williamsburgh, 1852-53 (may be incomplete!)
    Alvah G. Berry 1852 William Wall 1853

    Postmasters at Williamsburgh, 1836 (may be incomplete!)
    Lewis Sanford as of 1836

    Bay Ridge
    (post office)

    Postmasters at Bay Ridge, 1881-87 (may be incomplete!)
    William Wakefield as of 1881-87

    (post office)

    Postmasters at Canarsie, 1881-87 (may be incomplete!)
    Charles Lehman as of 1881-82 R. V. Remsen as of 1887

    East New York
    (post office)

    Postmasters at East New York, 1881 (may be incomplete!)
    Miles A. Brown as of 1881

    Fort Hamilton
    (post office)

    Postmasters at Fort Hamilton, 1881-87 (may be incomplete!)
    William J. Cropsey as of 1881 A. M. Stillwell as of 1887

    (post office)

    Postmasters at Flatbush, 1816-87 (may be incomplete!)
    Abraham Vandeveer as of 1816 Gilbert Hicks as of 1881 John J. Byrne as of 1887

    (post office)

    Postmasters at Flatlands, 1881-87 (may be incomplete!)
    J. B. Hendrickson as of 1881 J. Sheppard as of 1887

    (post office)

    Postmasters at Gravesend, 1881-87 (may be incomplete!)
    Richard L. VanKleek as of 1881-87

    New Utrecht
    (post office)

    Postmasters at New Utrecht, 1881 (may be incomplete!)
    William H. Wright as of 1881

    (post office)

    Postmasters at Parkville, 1881-87 (may be incomplete!)
    Charles H. Severs as of 1881 W. F. Stevenson as of 1887


    U.S. Collectors of Internal Revenue at Brooklyn, 1879-1951 (may be incomplete!)
    James Freeland as of 1879 Ernst Nathan as of 1891 Edward B. Jordan as of 1909 John F. Quayle 1914-19 Henry P. Keith as of 1917 Bertram Gardner as of 1919 Warren G. Price as of 1927 Walter E. Corwin as of 1932 Joseph D. Nunan, Jr. as of 1941 Joseph P. Marcelle as of 1946-51

  • "Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
    Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
    The Political Graveyard

    The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
      The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
      The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
      Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
      The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/NY/ofc/brooklyn.html .  
      Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
      If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
    Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
    What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
    Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.